Java features are also know as Java Buzzword. Here are some original Java buzzwords....
- Simple
- Secure
- Portable
- Object-Oriented
- Robust
- Multi threaded
- Architectural neutral
- Interpreted
- High performance
- Distributed
- Dynamic
Object Oriented:
Robust means reliable and Java is robust and secure as there are many features which support this concept.
- Very simple C/C++ syntax , operators etc
- Java inherits many of the object oriented features of C++.
- The core language is simpler than C++, no operator overloading, no pointers, and no multiple inheritance
- The way a java program deals with memory is much simpler than C and C++.
- Java achieves protection by confining a Java program to the Java execution environment (JVM) and not allowing it access to other parts of the computer.
- Java runtime Security Manager can check which operations a particular piece of code is allowed to do. As a result. java can run un-trusted code in a "sandbox" where, for example, it can draw to the screen but cannot access the local file system.
- For Java "Write Once Run Anywhere" , and for most part this work.
- When you compile a Java program, a .class file (bytecode) is created, and you can run it on any platform e.g. Window, Linux, MAC.
- Not even a recompile is required , a Java executable can work, without change, on any Java enabled platform.
Object Oriented:
- Java is fundamentally based on the OOP notions of classes and objects.
- Java uses a fundamental OOP type system that must be obeyed at compile-time and run-time.
- Crash Recovery
- Exceptional Handling
- Strict Run-time checking
- No pointers
- Memory Management
- Java support multithreaded programming, which allows you to write programs that do many things simultaneously.
- Threads are important for multi-media , web applications etc.
- Java is platform independent language.
- There is no implementation dependent feature e.g size of primitive data type is fixed.
- This was made with goal "write once; run anytime , any where , forever".
- Java bytecode was designed so that it would be easy to translate directly into native machine code for very high performance by using a just-in-time compiler.
- Java is designed for distributed environment of the Internet, because it handles TCP/IP protocols.
- The original version of Java(Oak) included features for intra address-space messaging. This allowed objects on two different computers to execute procedures remotely. Java revived these interfaces in a package called Remote Method Invocation(RMI).
- Class and type information is kept around at runtime. This enables runtime loading and inspection of code in a very flexible way.
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